Tourism / global tourism hub

Category: Tourism Policy

Chatrudee Theparat

PM announces mission to upgrade Thailand as a global tourism hub on March 15.

Prime Minister Sreetha Thavisin will announce such a mission on March 15 to upgrade Thailand to become a tourism hub of the world by 2030.

Thapanee Kiatphaibool, governor of Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), said Tourism and Sports Minister Sudawan Wangsuphakijkosol has authorized TAT to organize a workshop among related agencies in order to seek for solutions to upgrade Thailand as the global tourism hub by 2030, based on the prime minister requirement.

Mr Sreetha recently announced the government’s vision, called “Ignite Thailand”, which includes eight topics to drive the Thai economy and create more income to the community. One mission is aimed at upgrading Thailand as the tourism hub of the world.

The workshop will be organized next month from 12th and 14th with participants from the related public and private sector in a bid to seek solutions to propose the prime minister by March 15. The discussion will cover four issues, including upgrading second tier-tourism provinces with the hope that each province will come up with a clear plan to strengthen its local tourism scenario. All stakeholders from the provincial governor to the private sector will have to join the forum to help develop their provinces and design tourism products or soft power of their own. Facilities, standard accommodation, and human resources are among examples under their development plan.

The second topic is the development of Thailand as an entertainment and sports tourism destination. To achieve the mission, infrastructure development such as the development of a world-class venue for entertainment and sport fields is needed. The government will also play a supporting role in providing budget to subsidize activities.

The third agenda is one visa free of Asean region as the European Union. The fourth agenda is to build new tourism products and to remove regulations and obstacles in the tourism industry in order to facilitate the tourism growth. Flights and aviation routes should be added and the government will announce the aviation hub mission on March 1.

“TAT can’t achieve the target by itself alone. We need cooperation from all sectors and people in the areas,” Ms Thapanee said.

28 February 2024

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