
Category: Investment

Editorial Team

CoorsTek Advanced Materials (Thailand) signed land purchase agreement with WHAID to expand its operations at WHA ESIE

CoorsTek Advanced Materials (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of CoorsTek, Inc., the US manufacturer of industrial technical ceramics, recently signed a land purchase agreement with WHA Industrial Development (WHAID) to enhance its operations in the region. Located at WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 4 (WHA ESIE 4), in Rayong province, the future state-of-the-art plant in Rayong province will help the company increase its production capacity and expand its customer base.

Shown in photo: Ms. Rungruethai Kittipinyochai (left), assistant director, Industrial Customer Development, WHA Industrial Development PLC, and Mr. Parin Mekabut (right), managing director -Manufacturing, CoorsTek Advanced Materials (Thailand) Co., Ltd., during the contract signing ceremony at WHA ESIE 4.

16 January 2023

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