Investment/research & development

Category: Investment

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The Global Research Council of Apec meeting in Bangkok will focus on climate change and tax collection to support research & development.

The global funding agency leaders meeting - Global Research Council Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2022, which will take place in Bangkok during 21- 23 November 2023 will focus on climate change and tax collection to support conducting research and development.

The Global Research Council (GRC) is a virtual organization dedicated to promoting the sharing of data and best practices for high-quality collaboration among funding agencies worldwide.

GRC focuses its activities on topics of broad interest to national funding agencies. Each year, the GRC identifies one or two topics for action and then coordinates with working-level regional meetings to develop a consensus document for consideration at an annual meeting of heads of research councils.

The participants in the annual meeting are typically heads of research councils whose mission is to support basic science and engineering research across a broad range of disciplines. The next annual meeting will be in the Netherlands during April - May 2023.

Thailand has been named as the main host of the 2022 GRC Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting. Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) together with the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) and the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (PMU-B) and in collaboration with two Japanese research funding agencies namely Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) will host the regional meeting during 21-23 November 2022 in Bangkok.

It is expected that 50-100 participants from member countries including ASEAN countries, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, India and more will attend the event.

Mr Pongpan Kaewtatip, vice president of Thailand Science Research and Innovation(TSRI)

Mr Pongpan Kaewtatip, vice president of TSRI said that TSRI participated in the 10th annual GRC meeting in Panama last May. At the meeting, Thailand was nominated and selected to host the 2022 Global Research Council Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting.

The main host typically invites another country in the Asia-Pacific region to co-host the regional meeting. TSRI has invited Japan as a co-host country due to the long- standing collaboration in the science, research and innovation system (SRI).

“For the next annual meeting in 2023, GRC will focus on two important key issues. The first is the role of the funding agency to support research in climate change, which has posed severe environmental problems around the world. The second key issue is the rewarding innovations for researchers who contribute to high economic and social impacts. Exchanges of views and experiences among member countries is expected to lead to a common awarding and honoring approach and system for high-impact research.” Said Mr Pongpan.

He also mentioned that hosting the GRC regional meeting provides a good opportunity for Thai SRI agencies to learn and share outstanding experiences with other member countries. Together, all funding agencies will contribute to solving common global problems such as air quality problems, social problems and environmental problems together.

25 October 2022

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